Elementary Counseling

Ellis Extras

Ellis Extras is a weekend food program provided by Ellis to families in need. Food is provided to students on every Friday of the school year free of charge. We also provide additional food for long breaks from school, such as Thanksgiving break. If your family is in need of food assistance beyond these programs, please reach out. 

If you would like to sign up for Ellis Extras, please complete this form. Information on holiday break food pantries will be sent out via ParentSquare. 

If you would like to donate, checks can be made out to Ellis Elementary and mailed/dropped off at school (please add Attn: Megan Askew). Donations can also be sent via Paypal to CCR3BackpackBuddies or using this link (select “sending to a friend” to avoid fees”).   

Elementary Counseling

Clinton County is a place where kids can experience a wide range of activities and experiences. A place where students, staff and community work together towards a common goal of success in education.